"Law and Security", the journal

Issue 1 (34), March 2010

Aspects of safety of the examination of hidden witnesses of the criminal justice

V.N.Martyshkin, Vice-chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mordovia, O.P.Kuzmichev, Main Department of Procedural and Institutional Court Activities of the Russian Supreme Court Justice Department, V.V.Martyshkin, Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Mordovia

Here are reviewed the actual collisions of the criminal prosecution of the Russian legal system, that provide safety of the examination of hidden witnesses of the criminal justice, including the witnesses, obtaining a lawyer, minors and their legal representatives and lawyers, also representatives and lawyers who directly communicate with hidden witnesses of the criminal justice during legal procedures. The authors suggest some directions of the improvement of procedural processes and demands on examination of hidden witnesses, including the creation of some specific state federal service that is able to effectively solve the problems of state protection of the participants of the criminal procedure.

It also makes sense to introduce some special criminal procedure institution, e.g. the institution of the separate commission, and the order of the audio, video translations of the state of the evidence during the court session.

Key Words: criminal justice, hidden witness, court session.

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